How to Win: Universally Applicable Advice from a Hyper-Competitive Gamer


What Makes Me An Authority On Winning?

Not including my real life accomplishments, which won’t be mentioned here — In 7+ games I have reached rank 1-50 in each one’s respective online community, each consisting of 10,000 to 8,000,000 competitors. A few of these include, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3-7 (up to American Wasteland on both PS2 and PC), World of Warcraft (BC and MOP hyper-competitively), Smite, EQ for PS2, C&C Renegade (I loved this game back in the day, third person massively online version of an RTS).

A TINY FRACTION of an example of some of my competitive gaming history can be found within this YouTube playlist I made, consisting 100% of my own stuff (except the first top 4 plays on Smite, i was #5 that week).

Zerkin’s Competitive Gaming History — YouTube Playlist

The Beginnings of a Lifelong Theorycrafter

My success in many hyper-competitive online games was largely based on:

  • My realization that to be normal is to be average is to be mediocre is to be ordinary is to be un-extraordinary. I decided early on that if I was going to be ordinary, it wouldn’t be for a lack of effort; I simply made the decision to do my best starting when I was 13, and was absolutely amazed at how far my competitive spirit and dedication carried me, and this is key for you to understand accurately.

    To elaborate, I do not credit my many successes, both inside and outside the games themselves, to some unique inherent intelligence or attribute (other than a mind without mental handicaps), but instead to my priorities, relentless dedication, and to my Will to be something more than average. Everything else I merely learned along the way, and so will you – all you need is a most-effective foundation upon which to start your journey to the top of whatever it is you want to dominate.

    As for priorities, choose a small amount of things with the end goal of dominating it, instead of lots of things terribly – dedication is not an option if you want to be extra-ordinary, unless you happen to have been born that way.

    Given the fact I only commit myself to games that have depth, complexity, and a high skill cap: If I could dominate an entire community of anything with only 1,000 hours of practice, I would say the Skill and/or Knowledge Cap on that is on the low side, relatively. Just to give you an idea. The first game I dedicated myself to competitively was Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3, and I put in 3,000 hours in a year, mind you this was before I had accumulated all the Pro Tips I’ve learned from my own experiences or from others.

  • My thought that I should not focus on learning specific, static things, but to instead focus on understanding the universally applicable principles of LEARNING itself, as that is the root source that can be used on anything and everything, I will go into some of the principles I’ve learned about learning further down.
  • My belief that emulating someone else will only net you the same results it got them, and is ultimately a worthless exercise, as you can take no responsibility for anything you did, other than the act of plagiarizing. It is, however, important to understand what IS working about other peoples’ approaches in order to gain perspective on your future ideas of how to improve your results over everyone else.

One of the most important things to getting ahead of the curve in competitive gaming is understanding all the variables that are relevant to your performance. You should literally make a list of all the aspects of the game that affect output;

in the case of World of Warcraft some examples would be: User Interface(how you display information will change how efficiently you understand the data/peripheral vision isues), macros, keybinds, gaming mouse (more keybinds), internet latency, your response time, framerate, talents, gear, trinkets, artifact points, gems, enchants, strategies, rotations, etc. Many of the current competitive games have a lot of depth, complexity, and support the act of theorycrafting, Once you have your list of variable categories, analyze them and look for improvement. It is simple, but not easy.

Once you understand whatever core mechanics that are required, I typically re-analyze all the tools at my disposal, trying to think OUTSIDE THE BOX to realize ways to use or abuse it’s intended purpose, and find niche opportune times where it excels, which will also increase it’s effective value, netting better results than norms.

What Did I Learn About Learning?

I would rather be right than consistent. To be an unbiased learner., you must come to realize that the concept of “understanding” or “knowledge” in a linear existence is inherently fluid. This means accepting that all of us are at different points in this fluid concept of understanding, one in which we are perpetually condemned to suffer yesterday’s ignorance; thus we should not take it too personally when we are wrong, even if it sometimes really sucks for various reasons, haha.. To be biased, willfully ignorant, content, closed-minded, or to otherwise stagnate, is to guarantee your own non-progression, or retarding.
Take nothing for granted! Do not just space out as you perceive things happen around you within the environment, or within the game engine in the case of gaming. Define everything you notice, literally, articulate your perceptions. These articulated perceptions become the dots that may later be connected in order to form new facts in your benefit. If you don’t do this, your brain will not be able to recall it when it is needed. The single best tip to give someone to improve their own IQ score is this principle. The entire test is based on identifying the difference between a,b, (you predict c, multiple choice), d. You simply identify each thing in the array and discern the difference pattern.
If you are having trouble choosing between two or more choices on account of subtle differences between them, increase the contrast, using the same principles behind common demoninator fractions side by side, meaning you have to scale them at the same relative rate. You can increase the conrast up until you reach any levels that reduce it’s effective value. For example, comparing 5 mana per 5 seconds to 10 spell power in World of Warcraft. You can multiply them both by 10, and you can choose between 50 mana per 5 vs. 100 spell power. Thresholds for this example would be things like: the max amount of mana you can even spend in 5 seconds (after that it has no value), how much overhealing or overkilling you are doing with more than necessary spell power, etc. You must mind the thresholds or you will royally fuck this up. A real life example of this could be trying to understand aerodynamics on logic alone. You start with a 30* angle and wonder what’s going to make it more aerodynamic. 0* angles produce no resistance, 90* angles produce extreme resistance. Super simple example.
Where There’s Muck There’s Gold! Do not look for success where others have found it. Meaningful success can only be achieved when it is done by yourself. To do otherwise is to rob yourself of one of the best opportunities to grow intellectually and creatively. Also, I would always rather counter the current #1 standard than be that standard.

The Bottom Line

“To be normal is to be average is to be mediocre is to be ordinary is to be un-extraordinary. Consequently, to be extraordinary you must be abnormal; so don’t fear the strange and socially unacceptable – embrace them.” — Rj Perkins

Fuck being normal in this world the way it is, as it is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.



Theory of Calculable Cognition

Calculable Cognition Diagram

Calculable Cognition Diagram
Conceived and designed by Rj Perkins (c) 2019 Rype’s Realm of Thought

Calculable Cognition Wallpapers

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Updated on 05.26.2019 — added section titled “My Definition of Spirit.”

Theory of Calculable Cognition

A New Understanding of
Human Nature & Morality

Developer: Ryan “Rj” Perkins

Writer: Ryan “Rj” Perkins

Hypothesized/Conceived In: 2008

Thesis Essay Drafted In: 2018 (c)

As You Read, Keep This In Mind

According to an award-winning physicist (can’t remember his name, but he’s the older guy w/ glasses and makes groups of 3 people max, as that’s the limit to receive credit for a Nobel prize) at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), what separates Nobel prize-winning scientists apart from others in their field is the unique ability to discern what ideas are beautiful, simple, elegant, and functional, because that is how our universe seems to have been designed, or at least how it exists (as far as we can tell now).

Intro: Calculable Cognition Pillars

    • [#1]  ~  Humans Cannot Generate Random Numbers

      We cannot generate random numbers, because all of our thoughts have a source. Thoughts can be sparked by various things, such as by the subconscious during the passive processing of our own perceived stimuli at any given moment (visions, sound, touch, etc.), or from internal sources of information and cognitive actions, such as the deduced results generated by our brain when re-processing information from the past with the help of new data, which may not have been present at the time of the data’s original processing and memorization.

    • [#2]  ~  Mind’s Passive Unconscious Memory Querying Process – EG: How We Retrace Lost Thoughts

      The proof of Pillar #1 can be found here, in this circumstance!

      If you forget something you recently stored in the forefront of your mind, such as something you were going to mention to a friend, the most common method people use to remember said thoughts includes retracing your steps, which recreates many of the same environmental factors that sparked the original thought to begin with. For example, someone might literally go back to where they had been standing when the thought was conceived, or thinking back to what you had just been seeing  or hearing .

      As we actively perceive various stimuli, our brain attempts to define it – with keywords, if nothing else; we’ll call these keywords “tags.” The tags that our brain passively assigns to our perceptions are then used to query our memories, in hopes of returning something relevant to the perception’s tags. If something relevant returns, it can instantly lead you down the same train of thought that you just lost track of. These “tags” can come in any form, from any sense or stimuli; in other words — scents, sounds, sights, thoughts, memories, sense of touch, etc., can all independently cause your brain’s unconscious memory querying process to trigger the same thought or info you had just forgotten.  I do this all the time to remember things I’ve forgotten, and it works just as well as you would expect it to, given that you understand how the memory querying process works.

      • [#3]  ~  “It’s impossible to hate anyone whose story you know.”

        As I will explain later in this paper, when we judge someone negatively or conclude that they must be unintelligent, strange or immoral, it is because we have an undeveloped understanding of that person’s calculations regarding their own uniquely individual genes and experiences, both of which will affect the outcome of the decision-making process.

        This ignorance of the person’s genes and experiences will inevitably cause us to analyze them completely out of context: ours — NOT theirs.

        Think back to some of the historical values that each of us assigned earlier on in our lives, perhaps as children. Take the example of a girl who was sexually assaulted during childhood: she will dramatically affect all values which are deemed relevant to preventing the recurrence of the trauma.

      • [#4] ~ The Anatomy of a Decision

        At its core, our cognitive thoughts and decision-making boils down to calculations. Seriously, think about it. How many decisions have you made throughout your life that made no sense to you, or didn’t add up as the most ideal choice at the time, taking into consideration all of the standard variables relevant to us humans, such as: laziness, fear of: failure, people, embarrassment, lack of motivation, boredom, depression, anxiety, etc?

        Every person I have asked this question thus far has invariably responded, “Every decision I’ve ever made in my life made [perfect] sense at the time of the decision.

        Beyond that, consider the implications of a world in which this wasn’t true. You would have hungry people starving right in front of food, people mindlessly doing things they had no intention of doing, or people flailing their arms about for no apparent reason. The relationships & social interactions we are accustomed to simply couldn’t function as we have come to expect if the human brain worked in such an illogical manner.


      Table  of  Contents          

      1. How Can A “Story” Nullify Judgement & Hatred?

      2. Implications of this Psychological Understanding

      3. Widespread Acceptance & Probable Outcomes

      4. My Definition of Spirit

      5. Conclusion & Reiteration

      6. Rate the Theory of Calculable Cognition Thesis

      (!) Notes & Warning

      1. How A Story Can Nullify Judgement & Hatred

      [‘phenomenon’] => shorthand for:  

      “It is impossible to hate anyone whose story you know.”

      In an attempt to prevent the pettiest of criticisms, we’ll even go so far as to add the qualifier that is “nearly” impossible to hate anyone whose story you know, since the accuracy of the main example given here is based on the truthfulness of the action’s storyteller (descriptor), and whether or not they withhold variables or values (or the accurateness of them) as a means of self-preservation or not.

      Hypothetical Scenario for Thought Experiment

      We will be exploring the quote attached to the third bullet point above later on. I will be using [‘phenomenon‘] as a shorthand reference to previously described quote. We will be using a hypothetical example of an acquaintance we barely know, if at all, one which acted in a way that caused us to judge or perceive them negatively. The hypothetical person we judged or disliked will later be referred to as “storyteller”, “judged”, “recipient”, “target”, “descriptor”, etc.

      Backup Scenario [B] If this has never occurred in your life, but you are a parent, imagine one of your children in place of the negatively judged or perceived person. 

      Backup Scenario [C] If you also do not have any children: imagine yourself in place of the negatively perceived, or “judged” person. Now, try to think back to any of your actions or statements that someone misunderstood, and therefor misjudged, on account of the lack of relevant information necessary for a stranger to fully comprehend what you intended to project.

      When we judge someone negatively in response to a particularly inconceivable decision they made, our brain typically tries to put us in a first person simulation of the scenario that produced the outcome we didn’t expect. This is because our brain is confused and wants an answer — it essentially thinks “Does not compute! Beep, Boop, Boop.” This is because our brain is accustomed to our own logical decision-making process, as well as understanding our perceptions. Initially, our brain fails to come to the same conclusion as the ‘judged’ person because our brain is recalculating the scenario we witnessed. During this process, our brain attempts to create possible alternatives to the recipient’s decision using our own brain’s variables & values (IE: present physical environment, past life experiences that helped us form various opinions, painful and rewarding memories, physical needs, and genetics).

      Some people, particularly the insecure or angry, can actually come to rely on the process of thinking a more ideal decision that they “would have” came to, had they been in the position of the recipient. This is in an attempt to raise their self-esteem, relative to the people around them, by degrading/devaluing/dismissing them. It is a horrible habit to find yourself repeating.

      In my experience, the best, and sometimes only way to resolve this paradoxical perception we cannot come to understand, is by putting ourselves in their shoes except now with the help of the recipient’s explanation of their thought process that produced the result we judged. It helps us understand what they were experiencing during the time of this ‘inconceivable’ (aka incalculable) decision they came to. The act of getting to know the person & their background better is essential to more accurately reflecting the truth contained within this quote, aka the ‘phenomenon’, because the more you understand the person’s ‘variables & values’, the more our recreated equation will reflect theirs.

      When the equation mimics theirs, so too will the results; which brings great insight & understanding into what we previously found baffling. Because the resulting knowledge is cumulative, we can take this insight and use it in all our future attempts to understand other people throughout our lifetime.

      The more you understand human nature, the more accurate and meaningful your perspectives on social, political, and professional issues will become. You will also become a much better judge of character, and at reading people’s actions as opposed to listening to their words, and then you essentially attempt to reverse engineer their logic, as demonstrated by their ACTIONS – we always do the subjectively greatest of our options at the time of processing.

      Understanding these accurate recalculations of other people’s decisions usually only occurs (a) if you know the recipient/target well (enough), or (b) when someone risks further judgement by exposing the true nature of their thought process (and all the involved factors mentioned previously). The act of explaining, as accurately as possible, why or how they came to a decision gives the outside person who is judging insight into how their values differ from others — resulting from different life experiences, environments, etc.

      To me, that is the easiest way to understand this concept. When we interpret the previously-mentioned quote with the knowledge that our consciousness is simply calculating variables that are weighted more discreetly than the extremely accurate following example:

      The hypothetical math equations that produced the following arbitrary numbers can be as advanced or as simple as you can imagine. Each option represents a choice or path we can take in life; it could be a decision on what job to accept, what movie to see, or even something as basic as what to eat.

          • Option[#1] = 5.231 < ..

          • Option[#2] = .. < 7.203 < ..

          • Option[#3] =  9.88  // highest calculated value of the options!

          • Option[#4] = .. > 2.582

      Out of the above options, we would invariably choose option #3, since it has highest value, which is what we would consider most valuable in this hypothetical example. In other scenarios, lower may be better; such as in harm-reduction or lesser-evil type decisions. 

      However, that is what happens behind the scenes. The best we can presently do is attempt to put a numerical value next to the variables we come to analyze, which is an approximation with an admitted margin of error.

      2. Implications of This Psychological Understanding

      Thought Experiment #1

      The repeating result of this leads to a pretty profound realization, or perhaps revelation, which should be accepted, internalized and adapted into daily living by most people.

      Imagine all the people you have misunderstood or hated. Have there been any you have actually gotten to know well? Did getting to know them remove any or all of the initial hatred/misunderstanding? If you’re like me, this happens 100% of the time or very close to it, given that person actually exposes themselves enough for me to understand their thought process and it’s origin. If this is true for you as well, isn’t it logical to then assume that everyone we currently hate or misunderstand is a result of a fundamental lack of interaction or background knowledge in which to put them or their actions in the correct context?

      In my opinion, the most problematic reason this may not be commonly known is because the implications are largely incompatible with our country’s (USA) current understanding of morality, pride, and the resulting punishment/reward system that most have come to agree upon in the US. This Calculable Cognition concept is at odds with the justification of our prison system and, perhaps most notably, our current implementation of capitalism itself. So no, it does not surprise me that this is not more widely known – it is simply too hazardous to the existence of the entrenched institutions and corporations, some important laws, and a few people’s net worth.

      It can also be extremely hard to accept for anyone who currently subscribes to what I refer to as the “Product of Self” Theory (described in the image above this post). People who have based their self-respect on this notion that they are simply a product of themselves for their entire life, especially those who are insecure, or those that don’t prioritize truth over their emotions, can have an extremely hard time accepting this — simply because their state of psychological well-being would likely be impacted negatively.

      Another reason why this may not currently be common-knowledge is because we may not be able to accurately assign a value to the variables within our brain, yet. Once we can clearly interpret our brain’s essential mechanisms we will be able to clearly see how our conscious thought relies on various algorithms to determine the most ideal alternative of the ones our brain creates with its then-current, but ever-changing state (via time progression and the experiences, environments, perceptions which the progression of said time allows to play out).

      3. Widespread Acceptance & Probable Outcomes

      I hope that some day, with the help of Paul Allen’s brain mapping study & a population which values truth over fear, we can replace the current notion of pride with an accurate definition of what it really is, and put an end to this misguided or imagined sense of self-righteousness. Only then can we begin reforming those aspects of our world which do not align with this understanding in a meaningful way, one that more widely reflects this concept.

      I dream that ..  :

            • we can stop this justification for passively ignoring people in need of help.. people can no longer to look the other way from the homeless or addicted and feel no responsibility, because we do have responsibility as being part of their environment, just as they are a part of ours. If we are able to improve the overall collective conscience in any way, it is important that we do — not just for them, but for ourselves, our friends, and relatives. Everyone has something of value to offer society, some just need help realizing what that is…
            • people with money do not look down their noses at people who have less means than them, and learn to be humble  rather than self-righteous given this concept,
            • law-abiding citizens will make greater attempts to understand the factors that drive criminal behavior & drug addiction, encouraged by the fact that they will benefit from resulting wisdom that comes from the ability to see things through the eyes of others,
            • it will become standard for students to be grateful & give credit internally for what their teachers taught them-both knowledge (static) or cognitive processes (dynamic, critical thinking),
            • kids who recognize & credit the importance of their parents have been on who they have become while forgiving them for any regrettable actions as parents,
            • victims can learn to eventually forgive those who have hurt them..understanding that their perpetrators are no less susceptible to all the variables of life than anyone else.. and some are put under more stress or pain than others,
            • TV viewers give credit to the programs that have improved their understanding of anything,
            • beautiful people thank their parents for the combination of genes they inherited,
            • billionaires are grateful for the role their customers fulfill in their own lives, and openly admit that they are, at most, only partially responsible for their current state of existence and should be infinitely humbled by this,
            • and i hope it becomes commonplace to realize that, historically, we have extravagantly underestimated the effect of external factors that people are exposed to throughout our ride on this roller coaster ride we call life, and how those experiences themselves can internalize and change the result of one’s calculations for the rest of their life.

        It really is absurd when you also consider however many feelings and values our brain has established without us having any conscious realization of it even happening — or that a notable percent of this process, the isolated act of our consciousness processing (calculating) alternatives, is not a moral one, although when taken as a whole it may be.

        It is a function of mathematical calculations which are determined by the universal algorithm that describes all decision-making logic within our human consciousness. The essential reasoning behind this algorithm can be written, read, and understood fairly easily. Please realize that I have written much more conditioned and detailed versions of the following. The following version, however, still articulates the basic idea:

        Do the subjectively-greatest of the perceived or conceived possible choices that have been deemed as pertinent to this scenario at hand. Each choice is individually evaluated and compared against the other alternatives. Given that in this case, ‘greatest’ is a subjective term, meaning each person will generate a unique value, even if it’s the same variable, because of the differences in genes (minor) and in their life experiences (major).

        — The Basic Decision-Making Law, from which the Algorithm is formed — That is, the algorithm that all of our minds refer to when making decisions.

        Note:I am still forming the actual mathematical equation behind what I very basically articulated above in English.

        I will be the first to admit that I still notice myself committing primitive mistakes as I attempt to complete transition from the “ Productof Self” view to that of “Calculable Cognition”. It is not easy nor simple, and it involves reanalyzing beliefs we may have unknowingly held, sometimes even without being consciously aware of why we held them initially.

        My conscious self spent eighteen (18) years believing the conventional wisdom, what I call Productof Self, without much cognitive or critical resistance. This is simply because there weren’t any viable alternatives that I had been exposed to, or thought of. At least none that I thought more accurately matched my understanding of my life’s experiences.

        Keeping this in mind, I have no idea how much longer it will take me to completely rid myself of these primitive tendencies associated with the perspective our country has blindly accepted for so long.

        4. My Definition of Spirit

        For the first 10 years of contemplating and analyzing this theory, I did not include the variable of Spirit/Soul. I was not against it in an atheistic sense, but an agnostic one; I fully realize that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. However, since then I have researched a lot of topics within the occult and esoteric community, and have learned that the highest source of Truth & Knowledge that I’m currently aware of is the occult/esoteric community!

        For EX: History says that we didn’t create the meter until the ~1800s, and the scale model of the Great Pyramid of Egypt was exactly 1 meter tall, and was made ~4000 years ago, and it’s existence was obviously hidden within the esoteric societies for multiple millennia!

        I later learned from Mark Passio that every secret society and mystery religion over the course of history has alienated and banned athiests within their ranks, and most — or all — fully accept the Immortality of the Soul as a foundational premise. When I learned this, I decided to update my Diagramatic Model of my Theory of Calculable Cognition, the triangle of which was obviously taken from Masonry, and is the true Holy Trinity (Thought, Emotion, and Action). Upon doing so, I realize that I had created the EXACT SAME overlapping diagrams that are responsible for the design of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and it was at that point I really felt that I had discovered one of the greatest secrets of the prehistoric past.

        Anyways, as for my definition, I put this concept together based on my intuition and knowledge gained as a creator (programmer of multiple languages, graphic designer, etc.), and combined that with my deep understanding of operant conditioning, and how pain/pleasure rewards in systems shape behaviors. If there is no Spirit/Soul in the universe, what is the intention to care about the world, being that you will die (in our case, in a relatively short period of time at that)?

        As for evidence on Spirit, I would say the Mandella effect is solid proof of SOMETHING at least similar to what I am describing here, assuming it’s a factual phenomenon. I say this because if things in the physical realm change when we shift into a [slightly] different parallel universe or timeline. This includes things such as designs of things, locations, existence of objects, etc., while our memory remains the same as it was before any shifts into a parallel universe (or whatever the fuck is actually happening, haha), then our memory is not stored locally within our brain matter, but in some remote non-corporeal location. The fact that our memory is unchanged implies that at least part of our mental capabilities are stored elsewhere (if the Mandella Effect is real).

        Most people would say they are (or would be) motivated to make the world better for their children, but not all people have children, or live long enough to, and it’s self-evident that children alone — even for those that have them (in many cases MULTIPLE children) — are not a sufficient motivator to fix even 20% of the current issues in the world.

        However, if we were to eventually, after some variable period of time, re-incarnate (in my case, assuming we re-incarnate back into the same species) so that we can reap the rewards or disasters that our species has earned through their efforts in the aggregate, over multiple lifetimes! If this were true, it would also simultaneously solve the after-life issue — unless it turns out that you remain conscious on some level after death and before your next incarnation, but that is reduced to a secondary afterthought here.

        Basically, I imagine that the Spirit/Soul holds the essence of the most important experiences and lessons you’ve learned from each lifetime, and those carry over into each consecutive incarnation! It is the one variable that makes the following scenario untrue: If I was born in your place, at the same time, same family, same environment, same genes, same everything tangable and physics, I would be you right now. This falsifies this by adding a distinctly unique variable (which is actually a huge array of variables of memories and values for them, acquired over lifetimes) to your own personal history of lives!

        Even though all these things could be hypothetically calculated if the values were known at one instant of time, along with the exact formulas, it doesn’t make it any less beautiful to me. In fact, I have gained appreciation, respect, and a greater sense of wonder for the depth and genius contained in the laws of the universe and consciousness through this decade-long process!

        5. Conclusion & Reiteration

        In conclusion, we have “free will” in the sense that we do calculate our own decisions. However, we may not even know when the included & calculated values were assigned in our mind to begin with, or if they were consciously or subconsciously assigned.

        Furthermore, the approximate value we may assign to any variable, such as an activity, person, action, is going to be at least dependent, or even defined, by our then-present environment, state of mind, life experiences, etc. In that sense, our isolated consciousness is, at most, the least important part of the equation! It is simply doing arithmetic as it relates to the elementary algorithms that we either inherit, or instinctively learn at very young age; which again, is not a moral process in and of itself- it’s math .. simple calculations.

        We may decide when to calculate an the value of an alternative, for a hypothetical example, whose values are 3,2,5 (as in, 3 & 2 & 5 — the values we have deemed relevant to making a valid decision) and we can add them in this scenario to find the answer is 10. Keep in mind other decisions may not use addition here, or at all. On the contrary to “free will”, we may have no conscious realization of when that 3 assigned to be the value for whatever variable it represents, same with the 2 and 5.

        So if 3+2+5 always equals 10, can we really take some type of moral responsibility for simply doing the arithmetic at some random point? In my opinion, no. Despite my want to believe I am purely a result of self, I must put my “pride” aside and realize the truth that lies in the Theory of Calculable Cognition. —stupid rhyme that came to mind as I was typing xD



    According to an award-winning physicist at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), what separates Nobel prize-winning scientists apart from others in their field is the unique ability to discern what ideas are beautiful, simple, elegant, and functional, because that is how our universe seems to have been designed, or at least how it exists (as far as we can tell now).

    So… I ask you: which understanding of human nature, and it’s subsequent projected affect on the environment, is more accurately defined as: simple, functional, beautiful, and elegant?

    Calculable Cognition

    Inherently inspires and logically requires and leads to altruistic, selfless behavior (which is simultaneously selfish, since we are largely products of our environment!) which is rooted in Love and Truth.

    Product of Self

    Inherently inspires and logically requires and leads to self-centeredness, isolation, and separation from others by focusing on differences, rather than our similarities (ie: we are all subject to our environment, and we are all responding in the same way – doing the best we know how). It is extremely un-constructive, and even destructive to their environment (which eventually comes back to us, since we are largely products of environment). Rooted in Fear and Falsities.

    6. Rate Theory of Calculable Cognition

    (!)  Notes & Warning

    Everything written in this article is the result of the current state of my beliefs regarding this topic, which includes a decade of self-analyzing my own real-world experiences in every day life and social interactions, as well as all the independent research I have done on Neuroscience and Psychology during that period of time — which was all in relation to the original hypothesis I formed 10 years ago.

    The value I place on various opinions or view points is obviously based off of their accuracy as it applies to all my life experiences, and as I get older that can change other decisions, like what to believe — it works principally the same as a reverb effect when you have a microphone next to a speaker. The input is being influenced by the previous output of the previous input (if you can understand that).

    I chose the name Theory of Calculable Cognition myself as I wrote this article, however, I do not claim to be the first person that has come to this general conclusion. In fact, I have found that a handful of the smartest people I have met in my life (out of thousands) had already come to this conclusion when I brought it to their attention.

    Be cognizant that understanding and internalizing Calculable Cognition has the potential to result in depression for those people who are capable of accepting the evolutionary leap from the self-important and incorrect “Product of Self” viewpoint, which is faithfully rooted in it’s in-appropriated value of pride, what it is, or if we are even able to logically deserve the personal responsibility to warrant the pride!

    This potential depression has already ended least one person’s life. If you cannot make the transition, that’s alright. I just believe that in an ideal world, every participant of this existence who can handle the truth should live in it.