Looking Into the Curse of Ham | Noah’s Son | Bible : Genesis

I just stumbled upon the Curse of Ham, Noah’s son, and I’m trying to see if I can use my unique background in researching esoteric topics to get to the bottom of it. Such topics that may prove to be relevant could include: the Pre-Adamites’ role in: our solar system’s cosmogony, the origin of humanity, the origin and development of human civilization (see: devolution since Egypt, continuing into Greece, then Rome..), our genetic and conscious evolution or control & social engineering, and in the creation of countless mystery schools and secret societies, etc!

Noah Cursing Ham

Noah Cursing Ham

== The Core of the Curse of Ham, quoted from Wikipedia: »»

Ham’s Transgression

Seeing Nakedness

The majority of commentators, both ancient and modern, have felt that Ham’s seeing his father naked was not a sufficiently serious crime to explain the punishment that follows.[14] Nevertheless, Genesis 9:23, in which Shem and Japheth cover Noah with a cloak while averting their eyes, suggests that the words are to be taken literally,[15] and it has recently been pointed out that, in first millennium Babylonia, looking at another person’s genitals was indeed regarded as a serious matter.[14]

Other ancient commentators suggested that Ham was guilty of more than what the Bible says. The Targum Onqelos has Ham gossiping about his father’s drunken disgrace “in the street” (a reading which has a basis in the original Hebrew), so that being held up to public mockery was what had angered Noah; as the Cave of Treasures (fourth century) puts it, “Ham laughed at his father’s shame and did not cover it, but laughed about it and mocked.”[16]

Ancient commentaries have also debated whether “seeing” someone’s nakedness meant to have sex with that person (e.g., Leviticus 20:17).[15] The same idea was raised by third-century rabbis, in the Babylonian Talmud (c. 500 AD), who argue that Ham either castrated his father, or sodomised him.[17] The same explanations are found in three Greek translations of the Bible, which replace the word “see” in verse 22 with another word denoting homosexual relations.[16] The castration theory has its modern counterpart in suggested parallels found in the castration of Uranus by Cronus[18] in Greek mythology and a Hittite myth of the supreme god Anu whose genitals were “bitten off by his rebel son and cup-bearer Kumarbi, who afterwards rejoiced and laughed … until Anu cursed him”.[19]

== Requisite Information »»

I have multiple reasons to believe that Enki aka: “Lucifer, the God of this world,” Poseidon, Loki, Osiris, etc., was condemned to live out his days on Earth, rather than back on his home planet of Nibiru, where his father, King Anu reigned. Remember, Enki (born Ea [Iyah]) was King Anu’s First Born son, and his mother was concubine, or royal prostitute; he was NOT birthed by the Queen.

This was not at all uncommon at that point in time on Nibiru, though, as a world war between Nibiru’s respective Northern and Southern hemisphere’s nation states had recently engulfed the entire planet’s populace in terror, destruction, and death, which resulted in an unprecedented decline in the male population. This closely parallels what happened to Russia’s male population after WW2 came to a close.

At that point on Nibiru, it was not only socially acceptable for royalty and commoners to have children by concubines — it was strongly encouraged by previous administrations as a means of regenerating their civilization’s population more quickly after their last world war!

The imbalance in the male:female ratio, which is ideally 1:1, caused various social and societal problems, as did the rapid decline of available, healthy males to fulfill all of their civilization’s required duties, roles, and responsibilities.

This was in part why it became both law and tradition that the First Born son — regardless of whether or not he was born to a concubine, an out of wedlock female, or the father’s “wife” (in this case, she would be the Queen) — was heir to his father’s throne and inheritance, and was known as the “Law of Succession.”

After the war between North and South ended, the two states merged into one entity, basically identical to the proposed New World Order / One World Government that the Cabal has been planning for centuries — if not millennia — on this planet!

This should not come as a surprise to us, though, considering the same beings head up the Illuminati: the Pre-Adamites, aka the Fallen Angels, aka the Annunaki, or more generally referred to as the giants with elongated skulls! In the Lost Book of Enki, he [Enki] even states that immediately after this merger took place, the enforcers of the state (police, military, etc) laid down the law with a “Strong Arm” to maintain order (very authoritarian, totalitarian)!